Farming Implements Supplier, From Ground Engaging To Harvesting

🌾 Three point mounted machine
🌾 Inclined beater housing for gravitational grain conveyance
🌾 Adjustable beater clearances to suit grain material conditions
🌾 Two step belt drive transmission
🌾 Wheel track straddles over 2000mm
🌾 Productivity (T/HR) = 5
🌾 Two step belt drive transmission
🌾 Highly productive with output of up to 5t/hr for maize
🌾 Different screen sizes to suit culture grain size
🌾 No fast wearing parts
🌾 GT 5000 Model
🌾 400 R.P.M Maximum input speed

🥔 Robust angle iron frame with replaceable wear plates
🥔 Fully trained implement for stability
🥔 Axyle extensions to suit row widths
🥔 Hydraulic lift in and out of work
🥔 Hydraulic blade depth control
🥔 Adjustable conveyor angle for cleaner crop
🥔 Two stage, two speed chain link cleaning system
🥔 Individually replaceable chain link
🥔 Belt drive to avoid chain damage
🥔 Multiple staggered agitators for efficient crop cleaning
Please download our documents to see specific data of products and how we work.